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weekly blog

New article release! & Building a good habit


artist credit
Carl Shedd
weekly blog

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From articles to workshops, we offer a whole bunch of resources to help you grow as a games environment Artist.

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Hope you are all doing well out there!This week was an exciting one with a brand new article release by the lovely Rachel Noy, so let's just dive straight into that.NEW Article - How traditional can enhance the digitalSo we have another amazing article addition to our site, this time done by the lovely Rachel Noy and she will take us through how she does her personal work and how traditional art is a big influence on how she tackles her personal work. In addition to this she also does an amazing job of breaking down the art fundamentals that helped her in constructing these beautiful scenes, so make sure to check it out!‍Beyond Extent Podcast #12Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ThXlTqeXysSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6ogCkWlF2h2TA7oh8nNJfg‍More mentorship slots opening up!So some people have been asking if there we're some more slots opening up for the monthly mentorship sessions, and I've got some food news for all of you!In addition to the 4 slots I already had, I'm going to open up 2 additional slots for the next month (and possibly going forward as well) but these slots will firstly be announced to all my patreons, so I'm not sure when and if there are still going to be open spots. Also in addition to this, I've refined the structure and will continue to do so, and with this there's also a small change of price that comes into play too!Hope to talk to some of you real soon in these sessions!,


Finished artpieces from within the community.

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team finalists

featured artist


From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

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From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

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weekly tip

From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

weekly tip