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weekly blog

[#80] Delhi trip cancelled! & Earning on the side


artist credit
Jussi Keteli
weekly blog

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From articles to workshops, we offer a whole bunch of resources to help you grow as a games environment Artist.

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Evening People!Pretty busy week again, loads of preparation done for the weekly tips and all the upcoming blogposts and doing some other things like reading up on a lot of the possible scams that we might encounter in India as well as getting some smog masks so we don't have it too bad once we go over there!But then the worst thing happened, we had Visa issues... So I spend the last couple of days frantically calling and running around through Berlin to get it sorted, but it seems that Visa on arrival doesn't mean on actual arrival, you still need to get it before you leave... This means that we had to cancel our trip... Sucks!New plans?So currently we have been looking around to try and plan something probably smaller super last minute, but we will see how that goes!So final update on this is that we are now going for multiple cities that are a bit closer and are easier to reach. We will be going for Budapest, Hungary then move onto Bratislava, Slovakia, then onto Vienna and final stop will be Prague before we head home again! So this will go from a blog filled with stuff about India to pictures about other places!I'm sure that I'll have more to share in the upcoming weeks!,


Finished artpieces from within the community.

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From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

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From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!


weekly tip

From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

weekly tip