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weekly blog

[#52] - Template update & Parallax Materials


artist credit
Adam Nield
weekly blog

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From articles to workshops, we offer a whole bunch of resources to help you grow as a games environment Artist.

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Evening people!This week was pretty intense and spend a lot of time relaxing once again, the thing I did focus on this week though was finalising the template that I use for all the weekly tips and you can see the result down below in the weekly tips section.What this means though is that I will be changing all the previous tips to the new template as well at some point, so if you have any feedback on this you are more than welcome to leave it down in the comment section.Mentorship updateMy first couple of months have been really interesting so far when we are talking about these internships, it has been both a good learning experience for the people that I help out but also for me personally on both an art and business perspective. This obviously comes with some changes as I find my footing in this field. Which is why I raised the pricing on the mentorships that I offer because of the time investment. This being said, some spots have opened up for mentorships and I will accept a new mentee for next month.More information can be found on my patreon here:https://www.patreon.com/TimothyDries This week I will be spending my time on relaxing and winding down a bit, because as you are reading this I will be in the UK enjoying some nice time off. Which is also why there will be no WIP section this week as all my time went into designing the template, rewriting new tips and getting started on rewriting the older ones and making a new compilation template as well.So I will have to spend some time on writing that one again as well! It's gonna be fun! :D‍,


Finished artpieces from within the community.

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team finalists

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From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

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From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

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weekly tip

From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

weekly tip