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weekly blog

[#32] - 2019, Light Propagation Volumes and Vladimir Lepotic.


artist credit
Vladimir Lepotic
weekly blog

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From articles to workshops, we offer a whole bunch of resources to help you grow as a games environment Artist.

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Evening people!Finally I'm back, it's been way too long and it took me way longer than I thought it ever would, but here we are and it feels great to be back! The reason why it took me way too long is because I seriously underestimated the amount of time it was going to take for us to get settled in Berlin.But, that being said, now that we have finally settled, I took some time to think about the future and format of the blog and all my other personal work surrounding it, because there were a lot of things I wanted to do last year but never had the time and money to get them underway. So this makes 2019 the perfect year to do some more experimentation, expanding on the format and trying out some new ideas!Year of experimentation, streaming, community building, and more...So let's dig into this, what does this mean?I have been thinking about ways how I can expand and reach out to people that want to get into the industry, want to learn about Environment Art and it will also connect me to a lot of interesting people in one go. So I have bought myself a Blue Yeti microphone and am now experimenting and awkwardly struggle with recording some tutorials while working on the format of the tutorial itself.The change to this came after I did a podcast with Ryan Kingslien (more like a live interview and there isn't a link available online :( ) , where we just chatted for an hour and I did some live feedback for some artists. Also now that I have this microphone and I have a small webcam lying around I might as well try to do a bit of streaming and see how that turns out. I would love to start out small and do maybe an hour a week doing a stream where I do some work and answer some questions about the industry, workflows, and all the other stuff that people are interested in when it comes to the games industry.So yeeah, some really exciting stuff coming up, There is a lot of stuff that I still need to figure out (like do I setup a patreon or stuff like that? And is that the right way forward? ) I really hope it works out, and once I have an update on the stream,Tutorials or anything else I will be sure to update all of you. 2018 was an awesome year in terms of my personal development, forced myself into a habit (with the blog) but I still need to get the hang out of being better prepared and having a larger backlog, but I'm sure this will come in 2019!I can't wait to get started this year and hope it will be an awesome one with all of you and let's dig in!,


Finished artpieces from within the community.

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team finalists

featured artist


From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

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From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

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weekly tip

From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

weekly tip