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weekly blog

[#18] - Adding story elements, Unreal tips and Garth Travis.


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Garth Travis
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Evening people!Had to deal with some minor downtime this week due to the hayfever killing me even though I took pills etc. In other news, my stuff finally got approved for the Unreal Engine Marketplace, which is awesome to see! And I am glad people are supporting me and what I do through it, so I appreciate all the support, I really do and you can not imagine how big this is for me! And I definitely feel more comfortable with putting myself out there now so I can't thank you all enough for this <3If you think you would be interested in having a look or leaving some feedback/ratings, head over to My Unreal Engine Marketplace Profile,Blender Pie menuThis week was another busy week!Spend a lot of time getting back into python and trying to create a menu for editing like you have inside of maya, which was a feature that I was missing a lot. You have some pretty sweet addons for this, but I decided to get into a little code anyways because I felt like it :DAtihukara WIPSpend some time working on a custom pie menu through Python, which was fun to get into although I don't really get to grips with how it works fully just yet. But that is going to be something I am going to learn on the side.On the project itself I spent some time reworking some of the assets and adding a ton of new ones during the time I had this week. Getting more story assets was a crucial part this week, trying to solidify the workplace a bit more and specify that he loves working on the older mechanical parts instead of all the new ones that get repaired by other robots anyway.I still need to adjust some of the assets especially in the kitchen/dining are and how he lives his daily life in the little place he has to live in.Looking forward to how this is going to look next week!‍


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From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

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From artists all over the world, these are artworks that have been shared by our community and have inspired us all!

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